On April 19, 1995, at 9:02 a.m. a 4,800-pound ammonium nitrate–fuel oil bomb exploded in a Ryder truck parked at the north entrance of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and injuring approximately 850. At the time, the bombing was the nation’s worst single act of domestic terrorism.
The governor’s office reported that 30 children were orphaned, 219 children lost at least one parent, 462 people were left homeless, and 7,000 people lost their workplace. The City of Oklahoma City’s Final Report estimated property damage to more than 300 buildings in a 48-square-block area. Learn more at bit.ly/4-19-1995.
Today, #weremember those who were killed, those who survived, and those changed forever by the tragedy on April 19, 1995.
Photo by Jim Argo (2012.201.B0959.0179, Oklahoma Publishing Company Photography Collection, OHS) #okhistory #25YearsAgo #dayofremembrance post credit: @okhistory
Social Media
Join us for our first fundraiser of the year! February 20, 2025 from 11:00 AM till gone! $7 with bottle of water.
Come see Santa and take your picture with him before the parade on Saturday Dec. 14th 11:30-1:00!
Help us reach our goal of $15,000 by December 10th! We are currently at $9,647.79 and need your help to receive the full matching donation of $15,000. You may contact the Museum at 918-253-4345 or email us at dchsmuseum1@gmail.com
Check out Gray House Mercantile at the Indigo Sky Casino & Resort Holiday Market today! From 11-4 and 5-8!
#didyouknow that 2020 marks the 80th anniversary of the Pensacola Dam? GRDA is putting out stories about the dam all year and Grand Lake Living has them all here: https://grandlakeliving.com/grda-power-for-progress/pensacola-dam-celebrating-80-in-2020/ #grandlake #grandlakeliving #northeastoklahoma #oklahoma #lakelife
#thisdayinhistory On April 19, 1995, at 9:02 a.m. a 4,800-pound ammonium nitrate–fuel oil bomb exploded in a Ryder truck parked at the north entrance of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and injuring approximately 850. At the time, the bombing was the nation’s worst single act of domestic terrorism. The governor’s office reported that 30 children were orphaned, 219 children lost at least one parent, 462 people were left homeless, and 7,000 people lost their workplace. The City of Oklahoma City’s Final Report estimated property damage to more than 300 buildings in a 48-square-block area. Learn more at bit.ly/4-19-1995. Today, #weremember those who were killed, those who survived, and those changed forever by the tragedy on April 19, 1995. Photo by Jim Argo (2012.201.B0959.0179, Oklahoma Publishing Company Photography Collection, OHS) #okhistory #25YearsAgo #dayofremembrance post credit: @okhistory
From all of us at the museum, Happy Easter to you and your family! How are you spending the day? Let us know in the comments. #happy #easter #easterday #easter2020
On this day in history, the United States officially entered WWI despite Woodrow Wilson's original pledge to remain neutral in 1914. Read all about it on the History Channel's link! #history #WWI #woodrowwilson #historychannel https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/america-enters-world-war-i
On this day in history, the United States officially entered WWI despite Woodrow Wilson's original pledge to remain neutral in 1914. #history #WWI #woodrowwilson #historychannel https://t.co/MdDzt1qLWn
Grand Lake OK water level on 4/6 is 6.12 at 745.12, up 0.10 from yesterday. https://t.co/czfVG9v9jI
#MuseumAfterDark Seems like as good of a time as any to bring this back. It’s true. The museum comes to life when we’re not there. Someone should make a movie about it... https://t.co/Y3Kj8ZCSpN
Last one...Maybe. This is the best #challenge we've ever seen! #tussenkunstenquarantaine @GettyMuseum #stayhomechallenge https://t.co/h2p1UXkkPA
Quotes from Oklahoma's Own:
Will rogers
"If you don't like the weather in Oklahoma, wait a minute and it'll change."